You can find older news here.
9th July 2018 - 27th July. Taught CyberSecurity at Pembroke and King's Summer School.
30th June 2018. Left employ of Cambridge University after five years and a bit.
11th June 2018. I am giving a keynote talk about ethics of hacking at the C3S Summer school in Estonia and then spend the week mentoring hacking teams participating in the Exercise Neptune. The slides are here. Short promo video (with my voice over) is here.
7th June 2018. I am giving a keynote talk at CallCredit FraudSummit 2018 (Click for a kooky video of me plugging the event) in London. Link to the local copy. The talk, titled Human Aspects of Security will be taped. The slides are here [220Mb].
23rd May 2018. We (Jussi, Marianna, Michael and me) had an article on the Dark Triad and insurance fraud published in Cogent Psychology. It is open acess, download it here.
22nd May 2018. Talking about data breaches in Cambridge network at the NTK 2018 conference in Bernardin, Slovenia. Presentation is here [In Slovene].
06th April 2018. Giving an overview at FRI, Ljubljana, of a CyberSecurity Workshop run in Talinn in June (Collaboration between NATO, TTU and Cambridge). Blurb is here [in Slovene].
17th March 2018. Slovene newspaper Delo has published an interview with me. I still need to digitize it, but a subscription only version is here [IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE].
15th March 2018. StP-II paper finally published in PlosONE, after more than a year in review (Total review time in various journals was just over three years). Read it here (for free) .
23rd January 2018. Co-running a cybersecurity workshop in Vilnius (Lithuania) on behalf of the UK Government. Blurb is here.
20th November 2017. An invited talk at the Workshop on Economics and the human aspect of cyber-security (University of Kent).
15th November 2017. An invited talk at the Institute of Criminology, University of Ljubljana, titled: Men and Machines, the human aspects of cyber security.
14th November 2017. Giving an invited talk for the ISACA Slovenian Chapter on psychology of Cybersecurity (ISACA = Information Systems Audit and Control Association) .
28th October 2017. Co-hosting a panel on Cyber Security at the Cambridge Baltic Conference 2017: Security, Cyberwarfare & Populism.
15th June 2017. Giving an invited lecture at the Computer Science Department at the University of Ljubljana. The full video of the talk [in Slovene language] can be accessed here [880Mb].
25th May 2017. Talking about covert channels at the Security and Human Behavior 2017 Workshop in Cambridge.
19th May 2017. A series of podcasts on scams with me as a guest is published by Jackie Brambles (Broadstance media). Links to local copies are in the media clippings / interviews.
17th May 2017. Giving a talk about Psychology of IT Security at the NT Conference in Bernardin, Slovenia.
30th November 2016. Giving a lecture at the University of Ljubljana on psychology of persuasion.
4th November 2016. Giving a talk about the Psychology of Insurance fraud at the Insurance Fraud Summit 2016 in Chichester.
5th October 2016. Giving a talk about Psychology of Insurance Fraud at the Institute of Criminology (Ljubljana).
14th September. Giving a talk about Psychology of Internet Fraud at the Cambridge Institute of Criminology Masters course.
26th July 2016. Giving a talk about Psychology of Auction Fraud at the 31st International Congress of Psychology in Yokohama, Japan. The presentation is available upon request.
16th May 2016. Gave a talk about attitudes towards security advice at the NT Conference 2016 (sponsored by Microsoft). The presentation [pptx] is here.
13th February 2016. Interviewed by Financial Times on romance fraud. Here is the link to the article [subscription needed]. Alternatively, you can google it (I did) and find a free copy.
7th December 2015. Giving an invited talk at the Financial Education and Investor Behaviour 2015 in Rio de Janeiro. Once the video is available, I will post it here.
23rd November 2015. CambridgeTV report on the Cambridge Tech Talks Conference. See the video here. If it is offline, here is a local copy.
20th November 2015. Ross Anderson blogs about our research into Emotional Impact of Internet Fraud at the Light Blue Touchpaper blog.
17th November 2015. Invited talk at Cambridge Tech Talks. Free entry. The schedule is here. After the presentation, I will upload the slides and video.
20th October 2015. Published an article in IEEE Security & Privacy, titled: "It's all Over but the Crying: The Emotional and Financial Impact of Internet Fraud". [local PDF copy].
5th October 2015. Interview for the BBC Local Radio. I was on Mark Forrest show. You can listen to it online here (starts at around 1:09:00). Or you can listen to it here. Be warned, I say "you know" far too much for comfort. I apologize.
23rd-26th August 2015. Presenting at Decepticon 2015 on Auction Fraud. Here is the link (pptx). Here is the link to the actual talk (30Mb, mp4).
July 2015. Psychology Today interviewed me and others about fraud. Here is the link to the story and to a local PDF.
8th June 2015. Security and Human Behaviour Workshop was held in Washington this year. Link to my presentation.
January 2015. My video lecture at edX on human factors of security.
3rd October 2014. BBC Future publishes a story about my research. Link.
29th September 2014. Article published in Computers in Human Behavior. Go to publications page to download the manuscript.
8th - 13th July, 2014. ICAP 2014. Giving a talk on Psychology of Persuasion.
8th - 10th June, 2014. Security and Human Behaviour annual workshop will be held at the Computer Lab. Presenting. Helping with organisation of the event.
28th May, 2014. Successful application and interview for a Research Associateship at King's College, Cambridge. Starting in October 2014.
6th May, 2014. Talk at Cambridge University Computer Lab Seminar Series on Psychology of Malware.
1st April, 2014. Giving a lecture at the Faculty of Criminial Justice and Security in Ljubljana.
3rd March, 2014. Appearance on Slovene National television SLO1 show Tednik. Links are in publications -> Media Clippings.
8th January, 2014. Paper by me and Ross Anderson: Reading this may harm your computer: the psychology of malware warnings made the Top Ten download list at Social Science Research Network. It has been downloaded more than a 1000 times in five days. Abstract and full paper are available from this link. Google and EPSRC funded this research.
Last update on: 16th September, 2020