
Active Conference Attendance

The Economics and Human Aspects of Cyber-Security Workshop (Canterbury, VB). Talk: "Attitudes towards security and tactics that are effective in exploiting a University network". 


November 20th, 2017

Cambridge Cybercrime Centre: Second Annual Cybercrime Conference (Cambridge, VB). Talk: "Don't distract me while I am winning this auction: the psychology of auction fraud". 


July 13th, 2017

Security and Human Behaviour Workshop SHB 2017 (Cambridge, UK). Talk: "Covert channels and human security"


May 25th, 2017

31st International Congress of Psychology (Yokohama, Japan). Talk: “Please, steal my money! The Psychology of Auction Fraud.”   

July 26th, 2016

Giving an invited talk at the Financial Education and Investor Behaviour 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


December 7th, 2015

Invited talk at A reluctant Bidder: Why do individuals fall for Auction Fraud". Audio+slides are here (mp4, 30Mb)


August 27th, 2015

Security and Human Behavior 2015 (Washington D.C.). Talk "I am telling you, this is the one for you: Victimology of Internet Fraud".


June 7th, 2015

28th International Congress of Applied Psychology - ICAAP 2014 (Paris). Talk "We will make you like our research".


July 12th, 2014

Security and Human Behavior 2014 (Cambridge, UK). Talk "Susceptibility to Persuasion of scam victims".


June 9th, 2014

Security and Human Behavior 2013 (Los Angeles). Talk “Psychology of anti-malware warnings”.


June 3th, 2013

Security and Human Behavior 2012 (New York). Talk “Risk, ego-depletion and scams”.


June 5th, 2012

Lonely. Groomed. Addicted (Winchester). Invited talk “Psychology of Internet scams”.


November 17th 2011

4th Conf. of Criminal Law and Criminology (Bled). Invited talk “Victimology of scams”


November 16th 2011

IAREP 2011: where Psychology and economics meet. Organising member.


July 12th – 16th 2011

IAREP 2011 (Exeter) talk “How neurotic are scam victims, really?”.


July 13th 2011

Security and Human Behavior 2011 (Pittsburgh). Talk “Personality and scams”.


June 17th 2011

SpeakUp - Websense Workshop (London). Guest speaker “Psychology of Inet. scams”.


June 8th 2011

Elder Abuse: It has to stop – act now! (Ewloe). Invited talk “Inet. fraud and the elderly”.


June 11th – 12th 2009

Cybercrime and Digital Forensics international Conference (Ljubljana). Invited talk “Nigerian scam letters” (Part of talk at:


June 4th 2009

Vanguard 2006 (Belgrade) - invited talk “Multi-disciplinary long-term treatment of addiction: a case study of a patient with multiple diagnoses”.


May 17th – 20th 2006

IIIrd International Conference of Social Pedagogy (Rogla, SI). Guest speaker “Role of Social Pedagogs at the University Psychiatric Hospital, Ljubljana”.


October 21st 2005

2nd Slovene Conference on addictions (Ljubljana). One of the organizers. Led a workshop on aggressive behaviour.


June 17th – 18th 2004

Vanguard 2004 (Belgrade). Led a workshop on violence and aggressive behaviour.


May 20th – 22nd 2004

International Congress of Psychology Students (Sk. Loka). Invited talk “Violence”.


April, 1998

1st International congress of Social Pedagogy (Bled). Invited talk “Violence”.


November 1997