Active Conference Attendance | |
The Economics and Human Aspects of Cyber-Security Workshop (Canterbury, VB). Talk: "Attitudes towards security and tactics that are effective in exploiting a University network".
November 20th, 2017 |
Cambridge Cybercrime Centre: Second Annual Cybercrime Conference (Cambridge, VB). Talk: "Don't distract me while I am winning this auction: the psychology of auction fraud".
July 13th, 2017 |
Security and Human Behaviour Workshop SHB 2017 (Cambridge, UK). Talk: "Covert channels and human security"
May 25th, 2017 |
31st International Congress of Psychology (Yokohama, Japan). Talk: “Please, steal my money! The Psychology of Auction Fraud.” |
July 26th, 2016 |
Giving an invited talk at the Financial Education and Investor Behaviour 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
December 7th, 2015 |
Invited talk at A reluctant Bidder: Why do individuals fall for Auction Fraud". Audio+slides are here (mp4, 30Mb)
August 27th, 2015 |
Security and Human Behavior 2015 (Washington D.C.). Talk "I am telling you, this is the one for you: Victimology of Internet Fraud".
June 7th, 2015 |
28th International Congress of Applied Psychology - ICAAP 2014 (Paris). Talk "We will make you like our research".
July 12th, 2014 |
Security and Human Behavior 2014 (Cambridge, UK). Talk "Susceptibility to Persuasion of scam victims".
June 9th, 2014 |
Security and Human Behavior 2013 (Los Angeles). Talk “Psychology of anti-malware warnings”.
June 3th, 2013 |
Security and Human Behavior 2012 (New York). Talk “Risk, ego-depletion and scams”.
June 5th, 2012 |
Lonely. Groomed. Addicted (Winchester). Invited talk “Psychology of Internet scams”.
November 17th 2011 |
4th Conf. of Criminal Law and Criminology (Bled). Invited talk “Victimology of scams”
November 16th 2011 |
IAREP 2011: where Psychology and economics meet. Organising member.
July 12th – 16th 2011 |
IAREP 2011 (Exeter) talk “How neurotic are scam victims, really?”.
July 13th 2011 |
Security and Human Behavior 2011 (Pittsburgh). Talk “Personality and scams”.
June 17th 2011 |
SpeakUp - Websense Workshop (London). Guest speaker “Psychology of Inet. scams”.
June 8th 2011 |
Elder Abuse: It has to stop – act now! (Ewloe). Invited talk “Inet. fraud and the elderly”.
June 11th – 12th 2009 |
Cybercrime and Digital Forensics international Conference (Ljubljana). Invited talk “Nigerian scam letters” (Part of talk at:
June 4th 2009 |
Vanguard 2006 (Belgrade) - invited talk “Multi-disciplinary long-term treatment of addiction: a case study of a patient with multiple diagnoses”.
May 17th – 20th 2006 |
IIIrd International Conference of Social Pedagogy (Rogla, SI). Guest speaker “Role of Social Pedagogs at the University Psychiatric Hospital, Ljubljana”.
October 21st 2005 |
2nd Slovene Conference on addictions (Ljubljana). One of the organizers. Led a workshop on aggressive behaviour.
June 17th – 18th 2004 |
Vanguard 2004 (Belgrade). Led a workshop on violence and aggressive behaviour.
May 20th – 22nd 2004 |
International Congress of Psychology Students (Sk. Loka). Invited talk “Violence”.
April, 1998 |
1st International congress of Social Pedagogy (Bled). Invited talk “Violence”.
November 1997 |